As part of urban.brussels' reflections on landscapes in Brussels, the Brussels Panoramas project was carried out to gain a better understanding of how Brussels inhabitants view the urban landscape. The project's findings were intended to complement Urban's reflections in the "Atlas Dynamique des Paysages Bruxellois", and to improve the way in which landscape is taken into account in planning applications.
The mission included the design and analysis of a public call for contributions, as well as the production and curation of a public exhibition of its results. In conjunction with the exhibition, CityTools organised a public debate on the theme. Following this, a report on the entire process was formalized, with the aim of contributing to Urban's guidelines.
The online survey invited Brussels residents to send in a photo and text representing their relationship with the Brussels landscape. The contributions were presented at a public forum-exhibition at the Royal Library, where they were discussed with participants and the authorities. The debate was organised in a "fishbowl" format, a discussion method that encourages productive and democratic exchange. This meeting and its preparatory survey are akin to an initial opinion poll on the landscape, and more broadly on our relationship with Brussels.